Being home feels so amazing. We all have fallen in love with our favorite things about home all over again! Avery enjoys having a couch again. Jarret enjoys having space again. Emmy enjoys having her neighborhood friends to play with and I enjoy having access to breakfast tacos again!
Have I mentioned we live in the BEST neighborhood with the BEST friends in the world?!

Yesterday, Avery was surprised with a welcome home car parade from some of her biggest fans. It was full of welcome home signs, honks, and silly string! It put such a big smile on her face.

Yesterday, we also got some labs drawn. Her platelets are still high but her ANC is holding above the lower limit with this smaller dose so we will continue on the Hydroxyurea and redraw labs again in 2 weeks.
Today, she started PT here which she really liked. We got her Infectious Disease appointment set up in Dallas. We will drive up there and see them July 25th.

Her incision is starting to look a little better but still not healed. We are going to continue the moist dressings for this week and reassess next week. If it still doesn’t seem to be healing well, we will be referred to a wound specialist to get a closer look so we can get it healed up.
The rest of the week should be pretty quiet and uneventful. Thank you again for all the love and support. So happy to be back home!