From Admin…

A sincere apology for taking a week to get this out…

Our Campaign Committee was an amazing group and there is NO WAY that this would’ve have been possible without them! A BIG SHOUT OUT TO OUR TEAM!!!

Kris Ashdown, Karin Smith, Danielle Allred, Zina Watt, Sharon Jenson, Ashlee Allred, Divinia Smith, Maurine Monson and Calette Allred – you are such an amazing group of women!!! Thank you for all the ideas, meetings, phone calls, texts, hard work, time, energy, and laughs making sure that no one was overwhelmed or underrated but MOST of all… thanks for putting up with me! NO ONE could have asked for a better team and your love and encouragement has filled everyone’s hearts! It’s my belief that your enthusiasm and excitement to help TeamJeffrey succeed is a huge part of the reason that we really are getting closer to our goal!

If you check at months end you will see the benefits of our efforts and we’ll do another post with better details but the campaign brought in over $14000 last Saturday! Far exceeding anyone’s expectations!

We’re all super tired so we’re taking a little break but please to all of those out there still wondering what they can do and how they can help we’ve not met our goal yet. If you skip a cup of coffee at 7-11, or that lunch at McDonalds, or find some spare change in your couch… if everyone does just a little it really adds up! No donation is too small and every single one of them are so appreciated!! You can always donate at or check the website for other ways to send your contributions.

Another quick shout out to the COTA organization. They held our hand every step of the way and are still answering questions and encouraging us. Without them NONE (yes, I realize there are other organizations, but you all know what I mean) of this would exist for Transplant patients to get the on going treatment that is so desperately needed to not only LIVE but to live a less stressful life so they can help take care of the medical needs and support their new gifts (organs) they have been given.

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