
Monday, May 3rd

As was stated in the previous post, Haven was discharged on Sunday, April 25th after being in hospital only 6 days. They were asked to stay in Seattle...

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Monday, 4/26: Great news!

Haven and Tanya were discharged from the hospital on Sunday night! Her lab work, EKG, and Echo results all came back perfect at the end of last week....

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Thursday, 4/22

Havens' fever has subsided and she had another good day today! The nurses removed one chest tube, her external pacing wires and her arterial line today as well....

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Wednesday, 4/21

The doctors performed an echo today to check the function of Haven's new valve and overall heart function.  The valve is working extremely well and shows no signs...

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Recovering After Surgery

Haven's surgery lasted 11.5 hours today.  She is back in her room and recovering, but she will continue to be on a ventilator so her body can rest. ...

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Surgery has started

Haven went back for surgery at 8 am this morning. The surgeons have to be extra careful right at the beginning of the procedure.  The right side of...

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3/28: Surgery scheduled in April

Haven and Tanya will be heading back to Seattle on April 15th to address her tricuspid valve leaking.  She will have preliminary appointments and multiple lab draws starting...

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3/21: Home

Haven's biopsy showed no signs of rejection, so she was discharged from the hospital on Friday.  She and Tanya are back home in Hayden resting now. The transplant...

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Haven Ryan

Hayden, ID

Transplant Type: Heart

Transplant Status: Transplanted

Goal: $35,000.00

Raised: $13,429 of $35,000 goal

Raised by 63 contributors