Today, Sunday, March 7, 2021, the whole team (John, Patty & Mike) leaves for California. We are flying down and then staying close to Stanford for a 10-day quarantine period before John’s kidney transplant surgery and Patty’s kidney donation surgery on March 17, 2021. We were lucky to find a great house to rent close to the Lucille Packard Children’s Hospital with help from you all. Thank you!! The house was approved by Stanford (we didn’t realize all the details that go into traveling for a transplant until we were in it!). It’s been a lot of work (and stress and anxiety) getting the farm and the business prepped for us to be gone. We are so grateful for our staff on the farm and our farmers market staff. We know that things will go as smoothly as they can while we are gone. And we thank you all for your patience as everyone navigates us being gone.
Our friends Jenn and Tim left on Friday driving down to California and they’ve already arrived. “Team #johnsjourney has made it from point A to B today. Made it with all the goods still frozen,” she texted. By “goods,” she’s referring to the cooler full of meat they brought down! They also brought down extra clothes and supplies for us that we didn’t have space to fly with.
Jenn is going to be Patty’s support person at the adult hospital and for initial recovery. Because of COVID, patients can only have one visitor, and it’s really tough for the visitor to be the same person both because it’s tough to be in two places at once, and because of COVID protocols. Since Mike is going to be with John, Jenn offered to be with Patty. This is such a huge relief.
Many of you might know Jenn and Tim from the Beaverton Farmers Market. They have been longtime customers and their daughters worked at the booth before going to college (and then graduating from college and getting jobs!). Tim is also on the market board. Jenn grew up in the Bay Area so they have family to stay with and both of their jobs are remote right now.
We are incredibly grateful for this support. With two out of three of us going in for surgery (during a pandemic!) it would be really hard to figure things out without this extra help.
Jenn is going to be helping provide updates from California, as well. Another member of our support team is Evelyn, who handles our Lonely Lane communications and social media. She and Jenn will be working together to keep you all updated over the next couple of weeks. Stay tuned for a couple videos of John telling everyone everything you need to know about kidneys, surgery, and beyond. 🙂
Thank you again for your prayers and generosity. And remember to wear blue (John’s favorite color) on St. Patrick’s Day in addition to the traditional green!