Stomach Virus

We had a little scare today and ended up taking Rafe to the ER at TMC. This morning, he didn’t feel well when he woke up and wouldn’t eat breakfast. A few hours later, he got sick and threw up quite a bit. He got very pale and shaky afterwards. We contacted his team in Cincinnati and they sent us to TMC for him to be checked out. His nurse in Cincinnati contaced the hosptial before we arrived and told them all about Rafe. They requested a list of tests to be done. They did a full lab work up, urine sample, and nasal swab for viruses. Thankfully, everything came back close to normal and they ruled it a stomach bug. A stomach bug could be very dangerous for Rafe. He isn’t dehydrated and hasn’t had a fever so they discharged him and told us to watch him closely. He is feeling much better. Hopfully whatever it was is now out of his system. TMC took excellent care of Rafe from the moment we walked in until we left. We are so thankful for their promptness and coordination with his doctor and transplant team in Cincinnati.

Dr. Campbell was sent all of his labs from today and finally got the results from Mondays lab work. They haven’t called to review them with us or update about removing his PICC line. Hopefully we will get an answer on Monday. Thank you for all of your continued prayers and support. Without it, this process would be so much harder. We love and appreciate you all so much!

#CotaforRafe’sFight     #RafeStrong