3 Month Checkup Update!

We are home from Cincinnati and Rafe’s appointment went great! Although it was a long trip, we had fun. Rafe was absolutely perfect and didn’t complain once. He got to have his first two hotel stays and thought Mom and Dads new houses were pretty cool! Haha He didn’t really understand the concept of a hotel but he is ready to go back and ride the elevators and stay the night. 

Rafe’s labs have looked great since transplant. Since they have consistently been so good, he was able to stop four medications. One of those being his steroids. He took his last dose on Thursday. The doctor said that coming off of the steroids sometimes makes the liver numbers go up. If that’s the case, they will have to do further testing and may have to do a biopsy of his new liver. They will draw those labs next Monday. 

Dr. Campbell also thought it was time for his PICC line to come out as well and said that he should get it removed in the next week or so. That was great to hear!! He got the dressing and caps changed today and we are hoping he will be able to get it removed next week after labs. He did better today with the dressing change than he ever has before. We are so thankful that he has such a wonderful home health nurse that makes that process so much easier for him. 

We are all so proud of Rafe and the progress he has made. Dr. Campbell released him from quarantine and only kept normal Covid restrictions for him. We are being very cautious about resuming normal life especially until we get next weeks lab results back. We are very excited for Rafe to be able to see his family and friends very soon! Please keep him in your prayers for stable numbers and continuous healing. 

Here are a few pictures of our trip just for fun!!


Trip to Cincinnati

1 Photos


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