Update 6/28/2020

LOOK AT THIS GUY!!!!   He is home.  Real home, not a fake home.  He is loving on his cat, eating more than he ever has before, crawling and pulling up on anything he considers stable, and getting into trouble anywhere he can.  Everyone loves to see this!  He is clearly feeling better and his labs look great! 
The below is from the Children’s Hospital of Wisconsin web site.  Look at that list!  Most adults I know would not have tolerated all that.  


45 days in the hospital, seven surgeries, 27 days on a ventilator, two life-threatening emergencies, 10 days with an open abdomen, and one life-saving donation –- all of that and Alex is only a little over 1 year old.
Soon after being born, the doctors noticed some of Alex’s lab tests were off, so they wanted to keep a close eye on him. As part of the follow-up, Mom took him to see Dr. James Shander at Pewaukee Pediatrics. That’s when everything changed — Dr. Shander immediately admitted Alex to Children’s Wisconsin Hospital-Milwaukee because his labs showed that he had biliary atresia, a liver disease where the bile ducts become blocked causing bile to stay in the body and damaging the liver. Alex needed a liver transplant.
On May 5, Alex received a life-saving partial liver transplant from a family friend. After that, he spent weeks fighting hard at the hospital and overcoming obstacles left and right.
Mom said, “We’re so grateful to Dr. Johnny Hong, the transplant team and our friend who donated. We can never repay you for saving my baby’s life.”
She added, “Initially, I was really worried about COVID-19, but the precautions they took at Children’s Wisconsin made it so I never felt unsafe about anything while we were there.”
Now, Alex is back at home with his family. Thank you to the hero who donated and take good care of that liver, Alex!

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