This little dude extubated himself today and had to be sedated again. I love how naughty he is sometimes! OR is scheduled for tomorrow to, hopefully, close his belly so he can heal and get back home.
As the month wears on, so do worries and expenses. Can you help? Dontations to COTA in honor of Alex A will help with a lifetime of transplant-related expenses.
Thank you, all, for everything!!
He insists on holding his toothbrushes!
Alex didn’t have too bad of a day yesterday. He’s been more comfortable and only needed 1 dose of morphine.
Dr Hong says his stomach looks better and plan will be to close his abdomen tomorrow morning.
His liver numbers are downtrending nicely, the rejection is being treated appropriately.
He’s having success with suppositories and enemas but gets uncomfortable in between because he just can’t pass the gas on his own. Pray for farts!
I think no big changes today, just continuing what we’re doing and hopefully tomorrow he can start making real progress.
Shelby is doing better though and gets to go home today!